The species ginkgo
biloba is a seed-bearing tree,
sometimes referred
to as a gymnosperm. Gymnosperm means
“naked seeds”.
(Campbell, Reece &, Mitchell, 1999, p.564)
The seeds lay on
the cone scales, (Encyclopaedia Britannica,
1987, p.505) or
at the end of stems, as opposed to angiosperms,
whose seeds are
inside fruit. Conifers, such as pine trees, and
cyads, which look
like palms, are also gymnosperms.
Gymnosperms developed
from seedless vascular plants
such as horsetails and ferns, which had
become widespread
during the Devonian period (Lippert, 2002).
The progymnosperms
did not have seeds to begin with. Seeds
developed in these
plants during the late Devonian period, which
allowed plants
to grow far from sources of water. (Lippert).
least two species of the order Ginkgoales, can be found in
the Permian period,
270 million years ago. (order) Ginkgoales
proliferated, and
five or six species appeared during the middle
Jurassic period.
The widest diversity occurred during the
Cretaceous period,
in areas that today are Asia, Europe and North
America, when up
to eleven species existed. There is
disagreement as
to how many species actually existed. The order
Ginkgoale decreased
to one species called gingko adiantoides,
during the Paleocene
epoch. It is hypothesized that the extinction
of dinosaurs and
some reptiles lead to this decrease in diversity,
since it it believed
these creatures spread the (order) Ginkgoale
seeds. Some say
they may have died off due to the ice age.
Some say they may have died off due to the ice age.The species
adiantoides, appears to be almost
identical to the
ginkgo biloba species which lives today.
of California Museum of Paleontology, p.1) The fossil
record in North America stops
at about 7 million years ago, and
from Europe about 2.5
million years ago. The species, Gingko
biloba was thought to be extinct, until in 1691, the German
physician and botanist,
Engelbert Kaempfer discovered it was
growing in Japan. It seems Buddhist monks in China had been
growing the tree
by their temples since 1100 AD. It spread by
seed, and continued
to be planted by Buddhist monks, to Japan and
Korea. Ginkgo seeds were brought
to Europe in 1700’s, and later
to North America.
There continues to be a debate as to how to classify gingko
biloba. Some botanists associate the (order) Ginkgoales with
cycads. Others
believe they belong in the conifer group. The
difficulty arises
from the fact that ginkgoes are similar
to the cycads, and structurally like
of California Museum of Paleontology, p.3)
The (genus) ginkgoes
are differentiated from other gymnosperms
by their fan shaped
leaves and dicot-like leaf venation.”(University
of California
Museum of Paleontology,) Paleozoic (division)
gynkgophyte leaves
were divided into numerous small sections.
During the late Cretaceous period, the leaves became four lobed.